How is juvenile drug rehab like?

Question by Moving Target: How is juvenile drug rehab like?
I told my parents that I do meth and they’re sending me to rehab. What is I like? What should I expect?

Best answer:

Answer by Dewdropmas
Every treatment center is different and although some policies among them are the same such as prohibiting any use of mood altering non-prescription drugs, the hours they keep and activities they arrange are individual to the particular agency.

You can expect, though, to have your freedom seriously curtailed and to have a very predictable structure for what happens on a given day. You very likely will be routinely tested for drugs while you are there, because successful treatment requires that you remain abstinent. You most likely will work with an individual counselor who will talk with you privately, and you most likely will attend some education sessions so you can learn the truth about what drugs do when they are inside your body, and, you most likely will participate in group therapy which is a discussion-type treatment format where people come to know one another well, and where you get to experience support for the changes you must make to save yourself from life as a drug addict.

You may be given medication after your medical needs are assessed, and for that, you will see a physician.

Some treatment centers take their patients out into the community to participate in Anonymous self-help meetings which will be a mainstay of your ‘aftercare.’ You will already be familiar with how these groups function before you will be going to them on your own.

You are off to a good start though by the fact that you told your parents what was going on, and if you keep that same level of honesty up, that will help you remain successful in achieving a sober lifestyle. Expect that the people and places which have contributed to you getting into using meth will need to be replaced with other people and other activities and places that support ongoing sobriety. It is very hard if not impossible to stay sober if everyone around you is continuing to use.

You only have to deal with recovery one day at a time, so that is nice, and makes it very possible. Since you were the person in charge of your out-of-control lifestyle, it is a good idea for a little while now to let your treatment team be the ones in charge. Listen and learn from them, drop any tendency you have to have “attitude” about things, and do what they tell you to do. At least to start with, this is a good approach.

Best wishes to you. 🙂 Congratulations for taking that first right step.

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