How do you get over drug addiction?

Question by Rinoa Leonheart: How do you get over drug addiction?
I’ve fallen in love…
truly, madly, deeply…..

I don’t even know if he’s good for me, but he fills my days with smiles and makes me . . happy. I’m in dreamland, I listen to romantic stuff and think of him 24/7.

I’m starting to care less for my classes, (as long as I pass) which is bad, isn’t it!? But I can’t get over this drug, i really CAN’T

and i don’t know if I should…


Best answer:

Answer by Blue Sky
You need to get your priorities straight and make a decision about what is more important to you. Love or education. In my opinion its education because that last a life time and love can be very fickle. What your feeling will eventually die down but if loving this guy consumes too much of your time then maybe its not a good thing to be involved with someone right now.

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