Would you support these proposals for San Francisco?…….?

Question by fognearcoast: Would you support these proposals for San Francisco?…….?
..If I were Mayor? 1). It would not be allowed in SF to father a child and not support said child. You will go to forced labor if necessary ( to support said child). 2). With Federal assist, a Napa size De-Tox centered will be opened, alcoholics and drug addicts on the street as well as down and outers will be given a humane chance to clean up and be productive. There will be NO lying about on City streets. 3). Gangs will be given notice, a chance, and then addressed with Military level tactics and weapons. No sympathy-they hold society hostage, and don’t care about you. 4) All Gay Parades and Erotic Balls and so on on will be shut…monies will go instead to SF school children, for field trips and celebrations between Schools and neighborhoods. 5). We will re-build the Fun House and allow all SF schoolchildren free admit for good behavior. People, the children are our future, let us consider them our foremost priority.

Best answer:

Answer by ajtheactress
1. As tempting as this sounds there is no real way to enforce this sort of thing. People are going to continue to have babies they can’t or won’t support. Parenting classes starting in middle school would be a better option, learning responsible behavior needs to start young.
2. You can’t force prohibition, we tried it once it doesn’t work. Education about the real dangers of drugs and alcohol and support for those who seek treatment would work better.
3. I have no desire to see my city or any city suddenly come under martial law.
4. Sexuality is far too strong a drive for both gays and straights for this to ever work. Thankfully we no longer live in a Puritan society.
5. Kids today are probably not all that keen on fun houses. Rewards for good behavior are a nice idea as is putting kids first but education should be the priority not simply changing behavior.

So no, I wouldn’t vote for any such programs, just a little too fascist for my tastes.

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