Pharmaceutical Drug Abuse in Youth

Pharmaceutical Drug Abuse in Youth
Pharmaceutical drug abuse among teens is a growing problem, especially considering that Americans between the ages of 12 and 49 who abuse prescription drugs are more likely to use heroin than others in the same age group. Prescription and over-the-counter …
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LePage’s plan to get tough on drug abuse needs to be more than a campaign speech
One can only hope that Gov. Paul LePage’s announcement this week about his plan to get tough on drugs is authentic and not a campaign speech, because truthfully it sounded like one. At a time when state agencies and state-funded programs are …
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Woman arrested for drug abuse in parked car: Brooklyn Police Blotter
Drug Abuse, Westbrook Drive: A Brooklyn woman, 61, was arrested after she was found smoking from a glass pipe in her car March 1. The car she was driving was reported weaving on Interstate 480, and officers found the car parked in the Westbrook Apartments lot.
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