Drug Treatment Centers Baltimore

are there any interesting drug rehab programs in washington state prisins?

Question by yaw: are there any interesting drug rehab programs in washington state prisins?
i found stories about inmates training unwanted dogs in prison so the dogs can later be used by disabled people.

i also found a story about how the state planned on building two large treatment centers… Continue reading

Vicodin Addiction and Vicodin Abuse

Vicodin Addiction and Vicodin Abuse — http://drugstrategies.org Vicodin Addiction and Vicodin Abuse – Call our Toll-Free Recovery Hotline: 800-839-1682 and discover the best addiction treatment o…

Bill Cirone: Children, Families Find Hope and Healing at Betty Ford Center
Consider the power of these “seven Cs” for little boys and girls… Continue reading

This Man Is The Future of Westboro

This Man Is The Future of Westboro
“I know it sounds kind of crazy,” Nate says, but the board's apparent toppling of Shirley prompted Phelps to push for more humane treatment among fellow congregants. And that … In 2001, a then-35-year-old Drain set out to make a documentary exposing …… Continue reading

is the Ypsilanti mental institution still standing?

Question by Amriel: is the Ypsilanti mental institution still standing?
is it still standing? i mean would we be able to get in? if not, is their any other abandoned mental institutions that are still standing and that are open to the public?

Best answer:

Answer by ranunculusviridis
Ypsilanti State… Continue reading

Long legacy of giving ties Steinmans to Lancaster community

Long legacy of giving ties Steinmans to Lancaster community
Drugs didn't get Owens like they got a lot of his friends who were growing up on the streets of Lancaster in the early 2000s. That's because … Lancaster Newspapers Inc., the parent company of the Intelligencer Journal/Lancaster New Era, Sunday… Continue reading

Lafayette addiction treatment center dispensing anti-overdose kits

Lafayette addiction treatment center dispensing anti-overdose kits
Photograph of an opiate overdose kit provided by the New Leaf Treatment Center in Lafayette, Calif., on Friday, March 21, 2014. The kit contains two syringes, two vials of the drug Naloxone, instructions and an overdose prevention and rescue …
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