Drug Treatment Centers Baltimore

I want to get involved in my sister’s drug treatment program. What rehab has this kind of program?

Question by alani ls: I want to get involved in my sister’s drug treatment program. What rehab has this kind of program?
We live in Brookline, Massachusetts. I just think my sister would recover faster if I get involved in some counseling or therapy sessions, as we are very close.… Continue reading

drug rehab center in Hawaii?

Question by : drug rehab center in Hawaii?
can anyone help me find a drug detox in Hawaii that takes med quest insurance?? i know there are some,just not sure what there called. anything would help. thanks!!!

Best answer:

Answer by askforadvice2009
(DASH)/Methadone Maintenance Drug Addiction Services of Hawaii Inc… Continue reading

Following veteran's overdose death, report finds problems at Miami VA drug

Following veteran's overdose death, report finds problems at Miami VA drug
Bill Nelson (D-Fla.), who issued a written statement Tuesday emphasizing that patient care should be the agency's “top priority.” “That's why there are a number of inspector general probes of VA hospitals, including the Miami drug rehabilitation center… Continue reading

Widespread use of psychiatric drugs on female inmates faces probe

Widespread use of psychiatric drugs on female inmates faces probe
Guidelines on transgender inmates in Ontario jails need clarification. The 2013 data … They claim that quetiapine — an antipsychotic drug strictly recommended for the treatment of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder — is being prescribed to female …
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The Jurupa parks board will meet Thursday, April 10, at 7:30 pm

The Jurupa parks board will meet Thursday, April 10, at 7:30 pm
… from Calvary Chapel Inland to place a banner at Vernola Family Park for Easter Services and a proposal to seek grant funds to pay for a trail head at Horseshoe Lake Park. The meeting is at the… Continue reading

Heroin addicts face barriers to treatment

Heroin addicts face barriers to treatment
NEW YORK (AP) — As the ranks of heroin users rise, increasing numbers of addicts are looking for help but are failing to find it — because there are no beds in packed facilities, treatment is hugely expensive and insurance companies won't pay for… Continue reading