Christian drug dealer Author?

Question by : Christian drug dealer Author?
i have a book, not with me, but at my mothers house. its a paperback, i want to say the cover is red and black possibly with a handgun that is cut off on it. the book was written by a former, i dont want to say kingpin because i don’t think he was that huge. But a High level drug runner. the Author now travels to churches and i guess preaches for the day? (not really a church person but went with a friend) anyway i believe the book was about his life and how he found God. What is this book called!!!!

Best answer:

Answer by SUDHAKAR Kuruvada
From Drug Dealer to Christian
Johnny J. Rebeck (Author)
About the Author in his own words.
I was born in Detroit Michigan in 1956. I was raised in a Christian family until my early teens. After that I hit the streets with all the recklessness you could imagine. I was not a prize child and as the year past, I just got worst. By the age of 19 I was thrown out of school and joined the army. By the age of 27 I was a drug dealer and a cocaine addict. In 1984 I gave my heart to the Lord. With out the help of any out side influence like Doctors or medicines the addiction was taken away. I studied all that I could. The Lord continued to work in me and taught me so much. In 1987 I was told I had cancer but the Lord took that away too. Though the Doctors were convinced by all their education and testing, only to be told after surgery that they had no explanation for why it was now gone. For over twenty years I have served him and he has always been there for me. For 8 of those years I was a single parent and raised 3 children. The Lord is my life; I could not imagine not having him there. I am now remarried with a 4 year old son. I work as a RV Technician and I custom paint as a hobby. But my passion is doing the Lords will.

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