Despite drive, drug abuse cases show 24% rise this year
Despite drive, drug abuse cases show 24% rise this year
KOCHI: Despite various initiatives, including awareness programmes, by various law enforcement agencies, cases of narcotic substance abuse, registered under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act, have witnessed a 24% increase …
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Advocates in Wallingford urge action on bill to help fight drug abuse
The one subject that provoked the most passion during the session, bringing one woman who said she was a recovering substance abuser to tears, was discussion of the adequacy of the state’s drug abuse program. House Bill 5372 is designed to …
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UN anti-narcotics panel calls for greater stock in prevention, treatment of drug abuse
UNITED NATIONS, March 4 (Xinhua) — Prescription drug abuse in North America and drug trafficking in Latin America, Europe and other parts of the world are major issues of concern, but investment in prevention and treatment of drug abuse can …
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