Dozens trained to use heroin overdose antidote

Dozens trained to use heroin overdose antidote
The training in how to use naloxone, also known by its brand name Narcan, was provided by VOCAL-NY, a grass-roots organization based in Brooklyn that empowers people affected by HIV/AIDS, drug use and incarceration. Many police and first responders …
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'The Velocity of Autumn': How Cleveland playwright Eric Coble brought his
Inside a weathered Brooklyn, N.Y., brownstone created by set designer Eugene Lee, its front door barricaded with a tower of furniture, the duo hits every hot-button issue plaguing the sandwich generation and their elderly parents. The ravages of aging …
Read more on The Plain Dealer (blog)

Most Interesting Science News Articles of the Week
Even castual pot use changes the brain. <p> People who smoke marijuana a few times a week, but are not addicted to the drug, may still undergo changes in their brains in areas thought to be involved in emotion, motivation and addiction, a new study …

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