Drug Addiction?

Question by Just Wondering: Drug Addiction?
I am taking a class on Social Problems and we have to do a project on a certain social problem in our society. The topic I chose is drug addiction. I see this as a pretty bad social problem in the united states. I am trying to get some ideas on what causes drug addiction. What makes people want to try drugs. I know a lot of people try drugs out of curiousity or boredom or maybe stress. I don’t know because I do not use drugs. Anyways, any ideas or suggestions or anything please feel free.

Best answer:

Answer by Joey
I was addicted to cocaine in my early teenagers so I think I can answer some of your questions. Most drug addicts start when they are young, and then cant break the habbit. Most of them start either because their friends are doing it and they think it’s cool, or they are really stressed or depressed and think the drug will make them happier. After that it’s a pretty vicious cycle. Most people that start drugs usually start out with marijuana, but pot is a gateway drug, so people who use it are 50% more likely to start using other drugs such as cocaine, heroin, etc.

Answer by aaamoradobrooks
people use drugs to escape reality.
Their lives are not what they would like them to be so they look to external stimulants to take them away from their real lives. They don’t know themselves very well and they are NOT comfortable in their own skin.

If you know what some addicts lives were like as children and often as adults – then you might understand why they would want to “self medicate” or escape.

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