educate yourselves methadone wasnt made for addicts of any kind?

Question by rockondon_djs: educate yourselves methadone wasnt made for addicts of any kind?
it was used instead of morphine,during ww2 because we had a law called trading with the enemy act.But the bush family prescott grandpa bush was funding the nazis and paid for 33
percent of there borders..anyways it also helps addicts but is
more like morphine and wasnt made for addicts but pain control…

Best answer:

Answer by charlton_g_w
if you would present your argument (which i am certain is true) in an educated, well written, correctly spelled manner, more people will take you seriously.

it was discovered later late 60’s early 70’s that it could possibly help addicts get off heroin. but dont fool yourself, methadone is highly addictive, difficult to get off and apparently quite a high.

Answer by Brennan L
not sure if that is true but I know methadone saved my bestfriends life

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