Fight against prescription drug abuse leads to rise in heroin use

Fight against prescription drug abuse leads to rise in heroin use
The likelihood that many prescription-drug abusers will switch to heroin because it is much cheaper is widely accepted among addiction treatment professionals and law enforcement officials. Justice Department officials reject any direct linkage …
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Letters: Drug abuse starts with the individual
The Times offers a very simplistic analysis of America’s drug dependence. As an emergency room physician, I see many chronic-pain patients who “run out” of their allotted opiates and then run to an emergency room. I am sometimes threatened with …
drug abuse – Bing News

Sen. Markey to discuss drug abuse crisis in Mass.
HOLYOKE, Mass. (AP) — U.S. Sen. Edward Markey is planning to join Congressman Richard Neal and Holyoke Mayor Alex Morse to discuss heroin and prescription drug abuse in western Massachusetts. Markey is planning to speak on what he’s calling …
drug abuse – Bing News

MS Contin Addiction & MS Contin Abuse — – MS Contin Addiction & MS Contin Abuse – We can help you discover the best drug abuse and addiction treatment options for you – c…

Drug Abuse and Our Biased Compassion
Recently the world has been privy to the intimate details of the drug use of two white male celebrities. On one hand there is Justin Bieber; during a recent arrest for DUI, Bieber admitted to taking Xanax and marijuana. A few days before, during a …
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Sen. Bob Casey supports bill to combat prescription drug abuse in Pa.
With heroin and prescription opioid abuse apparently skyrocketing in York County and across the state, Sen. Bob Casey, D-Pa., supports a national bill that lays out a response strategy. The Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act would …
Read more on York Dispatch

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