I understand that the makers of oxycotin were being sued why ? and for what reasons?
Question by wizjaksdaddy: I understand that the makers of oxycotin were being sued why ? and for what reasons?
Best answer:
Answer by Slightly Dark Francis
There’s a class action suit in Canada. There was once a US suit that Purdue, the manufacturers, accepted guilt for. They had misled the public about the addictive properties of the the drug.
If the Other Candidates Don't Step it Up, We're in For Ford More Years
Here are three issues that illustrate the problem the challengers face. They need to differentiate themselves from each other (and Ford) on the key issues in order to create a consensus among voters on who can actually beat the Mayor. Scarborough subway:.
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Mental health and addiction
As Ethell explained at the forum opening in Calgary, stigma and shame prevent many addicts from understanding their problems or seeking help. He aims to change that. … Alcoholics and drug addicts look just like you and me. They can dress the part …
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