Is it legal for States to allow drug addicts who happen to be Doctors to practice medicine?

Question by humpty dumpty: Is it legal for States to allow drug addicts who happen to be Doctors to practice medicine?
Read a news article yesterday that all 50 states currently protect the identity of doctors who are drug addicts and alcoholics; California just past a law to stop protecting their names. I would like to encourage everyone to write their Congressman, it could be your child, or another love one that one of these quacks is providing medical services.

Best answer:

Answer by ChoirCutie
I hope not!!!!!

Answer by Cindi W
It’s not just doctors—they need to add dentists and pharmacists as well. These people usually get a slap on the hand—go to rehab (joke) and then get PTI (Pre-Trial Intervention). They are then put on probation for a couple of years—and if they are GOOD–their record is expunged.

This site

will show you those profesionalls who were excluded from any federal program like Medicaid/Medicare and will give you some more details.

In my state (NJ) the Consumer Affairs lists
“action” if any charges were ever levied against a doc, dentist, social worker,psychologist, doc–anyone who is licensed. But, they never tell you what that action was

Bain Capital Buying Up Methadone Clinics
Long story short, the profit motive shows in the quality of care and the price charged to Medicaid. … It most recently has purchased Habit OPCO, which has 22 clinics in Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. … Unlike …
Read more on The Nonprofit Quarterly

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