John Giordano Correct Oxycodone Detox

John Giordano Correct Oxycodone Detox — – Correct Oxycodone Detox – John Giordano of G&G Holistic Drug Treatment Center discusses the correct way to detox from Oxycodone….

Protecting Florida kids with hollow promises
In theory, they are a way to make parents face up to their demons, be they drug abuse, mental illness or family violence. Such plans are supposed to provide detailed road maps to recovery, and hold parents accountable when they fall short. Except the …
Read more on Bradenton Herald

Florida Lawmaker proposes all public officials be drug-tested
A new proposal in the Florida House of Representatives would require that all public officials be tested for drug use. “I too should be … If the results come back positive, the officeholder would have to attend a treatment program. If the individual …
Read more on WPEC

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