Simple cocain possession in quebec?
Question by Michel: Simple cocain possession in quebec?
Long story short my girlfriend is locked up at the moment waiting for a court appearence… 8 years ago (2004) she got caught with a tiny amount ( personnal consumption size baggie ) of cocain.
She was arrested saterday after a warrent was issued at most a few weeks ago and this was because she was supposed to appear in court in 2005 but she had moved and did not receive any papers…
Im actually worried sick about her situation because
Since then we had 2 kids and i just dont know what to think.
What is the worst that can happen in court and what is the norm.
Is she going to go to jail for 6 months or might she be released i cant seem to find this info and no google didnt feel friendly during all my research
Thanks in advance!
Best answer:
Answer by Nicholas
Yea bud, cocaine is a schedule I drug here in Canada, and with Harper’s mandatory minimums, i’d bet you she’d have to serve the 6 month. I doubt she would get any more than the mandatory minimum, she might have to do drug classes or rehab classes, but considering how long ago it was, i doubt it.
If she gets hit with a failure to appear, shes in more trouble, but her lawyer could probably argue that for her pretty well. The only thing a prosecutor would have on her there is the fact that she should have known she needed to go to court, even if she moved, so the whole thing is iffy.
All in all, i’d say shes looking at 2-3 months, with 8-10 of probation if she gets paroled (which she probably will) and a stiff fine if shes convicted of both, and 1 month or less with probation if she’s acquitted of the failure to appear or breach charge.
Sorry to break the news, but hopefully you guys end up alright.
Good luck my friend.
Answer by robert b
Serious felony charge in Canada.No symapthy because of martial,child status.Her Dumb A$ $ will be doing at least 5 YEARS and on probation for 10 YEARS.Divorce the C**T.
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