Treating Drug Abuse as a Disease, Not a Crime
Treating Drug Abuse as a Disease, Not a Crime
In a survey released today by the Pew Research Center, 87 percent of people characterized drug abuse is either a “crisis” or a “serious problem” in the U.S. That number hasn’t changed much in nearly twenty years. What has changed is how Americans are …
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Prescription Drug and Heroin Abuse on the Rise
The growing alarm to drug abuse is nothing new, but as the number of deaths rise in Fairfield County, Norwalk officials are warning the community of what has become not only a state-wide epidemic, but a local emergency. State-wide drug-related deaths have …
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Prescription drug abuse affecting Pembroke
The top drug problem affecting Pembroke can be found no further than the medicine cabinet. The Pembroke Police Services Board received an education in the extent and nature of the drug trade last week when Detective Constable Paul Hicks of the Upper Ottawa …
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Physician: Drug abuse common in ER setting
Many who abuse drugs do so with medications that are legal when prescribed by a physician, and those people typically take too much of the drug, steal it from others, sell prescription medications to get money for other drugs, and make frequent trips …
Read more on The Morning Sun
Tahoe/Truckee officials stepping up efforts to deter youth drinking, drug use
“He's a deterrent,” said Corine Harvey, executive director of student services for Tahoe Truckee Unified School District. “We don't want to catch kids — that's not our goal. We're not trying to trap kids; we want kids to not bring drugs and alcohol to …
Read more on Tahoe Daily Tribune
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