War against prescription drug abuse may have fueled heroin use

War against prescription drug abuse may have fueled heroin use
Some in the field of drug addiction are saying the U.S. government’s fight against prescription drug abuse may be causing the rise in heroin use. The crack down on pill mills, and making prescription narcotics harder to access is fueling the switch to …
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Prescription drug abuse an all-too-familiar story
In 2002, Irsay said he sought treatment for an addiction to painkillers. Pharmacy records showed he had been prescribed Oxycontin and many other drugs, including Xanax. He has said he started taking the drugs to help alleviate back pain.
drug abuse – Bing News

Dayton judge launches drug court for women
Singer is launching a drug court for women to address larger issues that are bringing more female defendants into the justice system. Singer proposed the idea after years of seeing female victims of abuse and sex trafficking return to his courtroom as …
Read more on Macon Telegraph (blog)

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