What type of drug test does Target of Maryland use?

Question by : What type of drug test does Target of Maryland use?
I have an interview on Friday and I was wanting to know how they do their drug test. I have only experienced the saliva/swab test. If it is urine do they tell you where to go? Any advice would be great. Thanx
Please I’m asking a question. Project payday has nothing to do with this and it’s a worthless website. I lost money and time just “trying it out”.

Best answer:

Answer by qwerty777
They do a urine test, and I believe they have you go to a Target that has a clinic to take it. I was hired through a mass hire and a college, and they had people there for us to take the test immediately, or we were given the option to drive to certain nearby Targets within 24 hours and take it there. I am assuming that they are ones with clinics, but I could be wrong. Whatever the case may be, they will for sure tell you exactly where you can go and what you have to do.

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Dr Tom Cargiulo Director Maryland Alcohol + Drug Abuse Admin – Created on November 2, 2010 using FlipShare.


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