Where can I find stories of teens abusing prescription drugs?

Question by Kelsey: Where can I find stories of teens abusing prescription drugs?
Need it for a school report. Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by lynzzzzzzzzzz
What’s Driving Teens to Abuse Prescription Drugs?

Teens and substance abuse experts say that there are many different reasons for the rise in prescription drug mis-use and abuse by young people. Teens point to personal or family-related stress as a major reason why they mis-use or abuse prescription drugs.
Teens turn to Internet for prescription drugs
94 percent of Web sites don’t require a doctor’s note, study finds

Answer by a1dermommy
My best friend was addicted to prescription painkillers. Her problems started around the age of 12 when her father started sexually molesting her. We all knew something was wrong, bu she wouldn’t talk to us. She started smoking cigarettes first(because she could steal them from her dad), then progressed to pot, then to cocaine, ectasy, and then went to prescription pain killers and such. After 7 years of abuse she was doing at least one line of coke a day before school. Every weekend she would go to raves and field parties with her “friends” and do x, coke, speed, just about anything she could get her hands on. After Spring Break her senior year she had an abortion because she was raped after being at one of parties. At first she was going to try to keep her child but the ultrasound reveled that because of her heavy drug use the child was severly deformed and would never survive outside the womb and probably wouldn’t make it full term. After she graduated from high school she got away from illegal drugs and started messing around with prescription drugs. I had been living in Germany during our senior year so I wasn’t there for her and when I came back I saw how bad she had become. The more time we spent together the better she started to get. I have never tried any drugs and wouldn’t allow her to do them around me. She was clean until she met a boy. This guy was into the whole prescription drugs and brought her around the wrong crowd, again even knowing her history. She started using again and she couldn’t understand why no one wanted to be around her. I knew things had changed when I went to a party with her and watched her snort a Xanax- Loratab combo. She had taking a very bad turn and I could no longer help her. I stopped talking to her for 9 months because I was pregnant and didn’t want my child around that behavior. I spoke to her a couple of times after I had my daughter just not with my daughter around and never at her home, always in public, because I’m sorry to say it but I no longer trusted her because I knew she would do anything for drugs. My daughter was about 2 years old when I was watching the news and heard something about her dad being arrested and charged with molestation. I was shocked. I finally got into contact with her after all this came out. Apparently, while she was in rehab, because she got caugth using, her molestation came out. She left the guy she was with until he went through rehab. She confided in me that she used pain killers and drugs in general because she wanted the pain of her molestation to end. She went through counseling and goes to AA meetings and has been clean for 2 years now. She said that AA meetings are better then NA meetings because during NA meetings the “recovering” addicts tell each other how to get and use drugs without anyone finding out. She and the guy that got her back into drugs are now both recovering addicts and go through meetings together, are married, and just welcomed a beautiful daughter last month.

This is just one story of addiction and if you have any questions about her story feel free to email me.

Parenting Task Force addresses prescription drug abuse
The Partnership for Drugfree.org has recently reported that nearly 25% of teens today have misused or abused a prescription drug. The reasons for this recent surge in illicit prescription drug use by youth are many. They include the increased …
Read more on WBTW – Myrtle Beach and Florence SC

NC attorney general visits local school to kick off anti-drug contest
Cooper visited North Pitt High School in Bethel to help kick off the annual "Stop Rx Abuse" competition. Any high school student can participate in the contest by creating a public service announcement for teen prescription drug abuse and submitting it …
Read more on WCTI12.com

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